Coconut Report 21

Utah, US

This week, I joined a hackathon, HackFS. It’s a 30 days online hackathon, in which you build stuff on IPFS and Filecoin. This must be the first time I participate in a hackathon as a hacker, rather than an organizer. Exciting!

The experience so far is pretty good. The event is very well organized. Clear documentation, email follow up, staking to participate, slack channels for info sharing, pre-team-up spreadsheet, and so on.

I also very much like the hands-on workshops. Speakers shared their demos and sometimes live coding. I love to see some mistakes happen during the coding – it’s a natural way to open conversations. Hackers were active, either asking questions in workshops, or sharing thoughts in the slack channel.

Oraganizers are always there to be supportive – a friendly community.

Inspired by the two books Flow and Peak, I finally wrote a blog post in Chinese this week, in which I shared my practical experience as a barista and a programmer.

We published Rib newsletter #13 this week, and found fewer exciting things that happened last month. Even some of the projects stopped updating their official blogs or Twitter.

This newsletter post got flagged (dead) on Hacker News (again).


  • Rib newsletter #13
    • Enigma changed the project name to Secret Network and keeps Enigma as the company name.
    • Updated ribbot: config file and open-issue-counting
    • Git submodule add Awesome-blockchain-rust
    • This month, there is less Github update from those rib projects
    • Hacker news flagged rib post, then it was disappeared in about 10 mins
  • A post about daily practice in Chinese 进步/沉浸在日常练习中
  • HackFS
    • Staked for participating in the hackathon
    • Bought bigannouncement.eth domain
    • Created the project on GitHub: The Big Announcement
  • Changed CSS: new purple, a new icon
  • CooEnglish posts


  • Attended and enjoyed HackFS workshops about Textile, libp2p, and so on. Learned to build stuff on IPFS.
  • LeetCode excises
    • I made an i32 overflow mistake


  • Finished book Flow
    • Find the flow in your daily life will bring you happiness.
    • Flow is mostly found from work, the thing you do them daily.
    • The type of things that fits your skillset brings the best challenges.
  • Started reading The Pragmatic Programmer
  • Started slow reading:
    • Classic books: Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and their writings


Highly recommend the Hamilton stage play. It’s super awesome!