Coconut Report 16

Utah, US

This week I wrote more. It might be the first time I showed my emotions in a blog post – a blog post in Chinese about my situation recently. I felt strange about it.

It was also interesting to see people’s reactions. It seems to me that people read the part they can understand, or in other words, people see things they want to see.

So do I, I guess.

I changed my reading habits a bit, reading more books than articles. While reading books I feel calm, which is opposite from reading articles.

This week I also built another new website, Coo English, for English note taking. I post sentences I like, so then I can review them and remember them better. I set up IFTTT bots to cross-post to Twitter and Weibo. They didn’t work as well as I expected.



  • Building
    • NEAR testnet try
  • Tools learned
    • Zola, a static website framework that is written in Rust
    • Netlify for deploying multi websites



  • TV Show
    • Space Force, a funny one
  • My partner wrote a song for Cocoverse, this is version 0.1